I was updating my email passwords today. Always a good thing to do regularly especially when I have several email accounts to do. I don't do it every 45 days or daily as some extreme users may. But every few months I do shuffle my passwords to keep them fresh. I do recommend using two random words with some numbers for all your passwords. This lessens the likelihood of anyone breaking into your stuff or stealing your identity.
However imagine my surprise when I mistyped outlook.com in my browser when I had this screen appear
Bogus outlook web screen |
All I did was to add ouutlook.com to my browser and I was rewarded with bleeping and the message displayed above. Closing the screen with alt F4 did not work. So it was good old power off that saved the day. At no time was I tempted to interact with the screen. Stay sharp out there folks
At no time did I think it was real - look at the address bar for a clue if you need it.
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