Saturday, 27 February 2021

Good morning sunny people we are meeting in the same place today to look over google photos and answer all your questions

 We now seem to have a fixed home for the google meet. I reserved it last week and was not sure what would happen but all seems good today. I hope that you all have applied your updates this week or else you might have a tricky time today.

Click the roundabout to join us again

Saturday, 20 February 2021

Todays virtual meeting

 Hi All,

I have been hard at work on the Wordies power point resource. I am a great proponent of death by PowerPoint and, as the current tome is over 150 slides long, have made something that is really is everything that I don't normally do. The wordies evolution  will be converted to PDF and I hope will become a useful book. Thanks to those that joined in the wordies sessions. 

The workbook primer that I sent out has proved a challenge if only how to fill it in electronically!

We take a breather from the websites although I have many more tools to share on Google sites.

Today is carousel day, so bring along your 'nagging' computing issues and we will see how many can be solved in the session.

Click the merry go round for today's meeting

Monday, 15 February 2021

Upgrade time

 In both Apple and windows land there have been major upgrades around. Please install them before our sessions to avoid disappointment.

Apple Mac upgrade to big sur - click the image below

Windows 10

In Windows 10, you decide when and how to get the latest updates to keep your device running smoothly and securely. To manage your options and see available updates, select Check for Windows updates. Or select the Start  button, and then go to Settings  > Update & Security   > Windows Update .

For more details click the picture link below

A quick set of tips for windows 10 file explorer

 Hi All,

I am not sure how this is done in MacOs but will find out - so much has changed in Apple land with the roll out of yet another upgrade. 

In Windows 10 a two edged feature from file explorer is Windows elephantine memory. It displays the recent files to help out, however, remove them from the list once you are done, and Windows replaces your recent files with not so recent files!.

The file explorer settings allow you to clear the file history keeping the list fresh. Have a look at the attached mini-tutorial on using the settings panel. 

Click here for mini tutorial

Saturday, 13 February 2021

dogs on beach

Join us this morning on how to make a video like this and put it on your website

Todays virtual meeting

 Hi All,

I am off for my covid jab 

but will be along later for the exciting Youtube session. This is far less daunting than you might think. You will need half a dozen pictures/photos to work  with. If you have a short piece of video that will be a bonus.

Here is the link for the session

Saturday session link

Saturday, 6 February 2021

My YouTube slideshow sampler

HI all
This is a sampler of my YouTube talent or lack of it! See you all with more details below on how I made it with Microsoft video editor ( a part of win 10)

A similar process is available for mac users. Simply use iPhoto to make a slide show and export it as a QuickTime file before uploading to YouTube.

Monday, 1 February 2021

Making websites using google sites

Click here for my link to starting out with Google sites. 

The guide deals with creating the first page, changing the header, adding text, graphics and elements like maps.

There will be a follow up part two to improve your use of sites. I hope that this starter will help you all get going. I look forward to seeing the results. email me the name of your website so that I can track it down.